Tag: GANs

Botannica Tirannica at Museo Sartorio (Trieste)

Apr. 7 – Oct. 08 2023. Museo Sartorio (Trieste) Botannica Tirannica Botannica Tirannica, è una mostra che spazia tra diversi media per indagare il rapporto tra la scienza egemonica, la botanica classica e l’immaginario colonialista storicamente presente nelle forme di dominio della natura. Utilizzando l’intelligenza artificiale per incrociare e abbinare varie specie con nomi dispregiativi, […]

Karachi Biennale

Botannica Tirannica was one of the featured artworks of the 3rd Karachi Biennale, by invitation of Faisal Anwar, curator of this venue. Due to Dengue epidemia restrictions, we could not use plants inside the room. This challenged us to occupy the space in a different way, concentrating on the discussion about Artificial Intelligence dependence on […]

Flora Rebellis

This series of generative videos was produced with Artificial Intelligence based on datasets of plants with offensive and prejudiced names for women, Blacks, Jews, indigenous people, Roma, Sinti and Caló (“gypsies”). Flora Rebellis is based on a technique conceived by the English scientist Francis Galton (1822- 1911), creator of eugenics, to photographically synthesize the generic […]

Flora Mutandis

Flora Mutandis

This series of images was created using Artificial Intelligence, by crossing plant species with offensive common and/or scientific names that express different types of prejudice associated with body parts and cultural traits. The nomenclature of the species of the series Flora Mutandis was generated algorithmically, based on a shuffling of the original names of the […]

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